Friday, May 16, 2014

Casio EXILIM EX-TR35 - Special Dedication To The Selfie Kings & Queens!

The world of digital is evolving and moving on without hesitation or look back, not only in terms of work and business, but also lifestyle. This round we are focusing on “selfie” and the current most popular device to capture your best “selfie” moment!

The Impactful “Selfie” Venturing into the Oxford Dictionaries
In Nov 2013, Oxford Dictionaries announces “selfie” as their international Word of the Year 2013. What do we mean by the “Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year”? Technically, it is a word or expression that has attracted a great deal of interest during the year to date. Language research conducted by Oxford Dictionaries editors reveals that the frequency of the word “selfie” in the English language has increased by 17,000% from 2012! Amazing how such a casual word could be brough to the recognition by the world. 

Introducing the latest Casio Exilim EX-TR35 Compact Digital Camera to the Selfie Kings & Queens

Many many many of us bombard our friends’ feeds on Instagram, Facebook and and a lot of other social media with our selfies. While such social trend has been noticed by the world, the electronics manufacturing company has came out with this smart production to enable us to share our self-portraits instantly and conveniently on social media, right after they're taken. Plus, the features of the device and quality of the photo output has been constantly researched and improved, from EX-TR-10, EX-TR-15 and now it’s EX-TR-35.  It has become a lifestyle selfie camera.

Let’s take a brief highlight of this highly demanded Casio Exilim EX-TR35:-

General info:
1. Launched in April 2014
2. High-polarised pearl finish, sleek & stylish exterior   
    (definitely up to the par to boost up your look)
3. Ultra thin
4. Handy to work your angles right
5. User-friendly features

Some technical highlights which make taking a selfie become more dynamic. Stop scrolling down! These are the distinctive features that give you the best reasons to invest in this tech smarty ;P

The EX-TR-35 is a 12-megapixel camera with a flexible frame system (with 360-degree swivel frame and 270-degree rotating display)

This frame can be rotated to almost any shooting position for that perfect selfie shot, and at the same time can also be used as a handle that users can grip while composing a picture

Self-portrait shutter button – Users can choose from 4 shutter styles i.e. holding the frame, touching the screen, waving at the lense or even remote control with your smarphone!

New posing shot function - Users can strike different poses for 5 successive shots, prompted by the camera’s voice guidance.

Triple shot function - users can select the best picture every time by capturing a burst of three consecutive images. There are also 12 different make-up modes to enhance the photos and ensure everyone in the frame is looking their best!

Promotion movie function – users can transform 5 best still shots into a short HD-quality video. This can be done with fun visual effects and accompanying soundtrack of up to 15 seconds.

Crystal ball effect – enables displays of photos with special effects (if you like it) inside a clear floating ball, producing surreal and magical photo creations at the touch of a button.

Picture perfections (which is essential to selfie ;P) – no mor worries about all that high definition emphasizing your imperfections! There are 12 different make-up modes that you can use to make sure you look your best in every frame. 

Wi-Fi function for smartphone connectivity - The ability to control remote shooting with your smartphone and then transmit photos from the camera to your smartphone immediately after you take them adds enjoyable new versatility to your photographic experience.

  Quick look of other amazing features:

You can in fact get a lot more detailed info from the Casio Official Web Page

While we are hearing that the sales for compact cameras are getting slaughtered by camera phones, bravo to Casio’s innovation, now we are talking about taking selfie in more dynamic way and vanity to a whole new level! It’s definitly bringing a new shooting experience especially to the selfie kings and queens are going to use this compact and handy tech smarty.

It’s really a brilliant move that Casio has successfully carved a market segment of its own as a “selfie camera”, and it has become a lifestyle product among the consumers nowadays.

Few websites that you could explore around to see prices of the Casio Exilim EX-TR35: