Hi, after you have read through how I gained a 21kg from from pregnancy which I have posted in RSVP last month, I'm back with my slimming progress after I have given birth to Jayden Boy.
month – Weight: 64kg. Confinement month. I was
prohibited to step out of the house. The confinement lady Mrs Loh cooked a lot
of heaty and fattening food, but my appetite has immediately gone back to same
as before pregnant. Mrs Loh complained to my mother almost everyday, “Your
daughter eat so little. She’s on diet so fast after delivery? My previous
customer ate 1 whole chicken a day!” Goodness….
2nd month
– Weight: still > 60kg. Still on maternity leaves. Back to normal
meals and diet. My weight somehow dropped a little as my water retention has
dropped (no more swollen legs, scary). But still couldn’t fit my old clothes. I
asked for company from my girl friends to shop around boutiques at Bangsar to
renew my closet. There was nothing I could do for slimming first 2 months after
delivery, as I went through c-section, so everyone was stopping me from
slimming courses or traditional massage treatments.
month – Weight: 58kg, and it
just stopped there :(
I was supposed to do something about it, but then realized that I had to spend
most of my time with Jayden Boy. Plus, I
haven’t done up my action plan!
month – Weight: 55kg. This time, it was really
stagnant there and wouldn’t move at all. Still couldn’t fit myself to my old
clothes. Many of you might think that 55kg is not a figure that should be worried about too much, but for one who used to be 47kg like myself, an increase in 8kg was considered a lot, for myself at least. My body shape was totally out. Sigh…Out of desperation, I called up the Cres
My Slimming Room at Lot 10 for some
advice, tempted to consider signing up for a slimming course. Why I chose Cres?
Simply because they are using Cellnique products. I rely on Cellnique facial
products a lot, and had no clue about which other slimming centres/products are
better and reliable, so just made my choice based on familiarization.
friendly beauty advisor Hui Ling mentioned that my problem was not really
serious, just need some toning and firming. Her suggestions:-
** Electropolysis
– Aim to tone and rebuild muscles.
Ultrasonolysis - Use of low frequency ultrasound waves to break down
fats at the same time increase metabolism.
My total package charges was around RM1,600.00 which last about 10 sessions (if I still remember it correctly), a durations of 2 months plus.
** Meals
– No strict diet needed, but have to cut down carbo intake. The variety of food
intake was advised during my weekly visits. Sometimes she would advise to eat a
lot of meat with small amount of rice/no rice for that particular week, as meat
could help burn fat at faster pace. Other times she would ask to eat a lot of
vege (selected), also with less rice, for the whole week. Some days I would go
for normal meals, with grapefruit (which I find it a bit sour and bitter) after
each lunch/dinner which help to burn fat as well. Out of all, I
believe the main emphasis here is “LESS CARBO”….
month – Weight: 46kg. Wala!, I was finally
myself again! I am proud of myself!!
passed by the Cres My Slimming Room at Lot
10 few months after that, and found that the shop has been closed, and space
rented by a new facial saloon. Just got to know that there is one outlet opened
in Gardens Mall.
I have been receiving the most frequently asked question by my peers, do slimming
treatments really work? Would there be any re-bounce? Well, it obviously work well on me :) In fact the duration of my course, after every treatment session, I could still feel the treatment effect was still working for the entire week. And after I have completed the whole course in 2 months plus, I have lost 9kg! And my weight is still hover around 47kg currently, which is 5 years after I completed my slimming course with Cres.
Well, the question whether it works for everyone else, I strongly believe that it's about discipline. I was told by the beautician that in fact there are a lot a lot of ladies who have signed up slimming courses with beauty salons around the town, and there are a lot of them whom at the end commented and concluded that the slimming courses are not working for them even the most expensive course was subscribed. Their conclusion is "It's a waste of money". Normally all who signed up these courses were extremely keen, enthusiastic and determined at the beginning. They tend to follow exactly the instruction from the beautician. After a while, some of them still follow through and make it up, but some just loosen the spirit of it, and that's when problems occurred somehow.
What do I mean? Normally upon signing up the slimming courses, the beautician would provide an advised schedule for the slimming sessions to the customers. For example, some courses require the customer to go through the treatment on weekly basis for the first few weeks, then followed by forth nightly until end of the course, which the time gap between one treatment to another is important. The persistence and determination has to be there! However, what my beautician has experienced a lot of her customers who were supposed to completed their courses for say within 3 months have dragged and lengthened their completion to 6 months. Some 8 months, and some even 12 months! Though the beautician might had made follow up calls to remind her customers for their next appointment, the feedback she normally received was they were to busy.
What do I mean? Normally upon signing up the slimming courses, the beautician would provide an advised schedule for the slimming sessions to the customers. For example, some courses require the customer to go through the treatment on weekly basis for the first few weeks, then followed by forth nightly until end of the course, which the time gap between one treatment to another is important. The persistence and determination has to be there! However, what my beautician has experienced a lot of her customers who were supposed to completed their courses for say within 3 months have dragged and lengthened their completion to 6 months. Some 8 months, and some even 12 months! Though the beautician might had made follow up calls to remind her customers for their next appointment, the feedback she normally received was they were to busy.
In fact, slimming courses are designed by the specialists who has the relevant knowledge and specialties in this area. For every single instruction emphasized by the beautician i.e. timing, food intake etc has their implications which would have direct impact on the effectiveness of the entire slimming progress. Well, I guess I had been a good girl for the duration of my course (except I did sometimes still fell for my irresistible tit bits which is ok accordingly to the beautician), my slimming process had been so smooth. Cheers ;)